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BRAINCIRC interface download

The BRAINCIRC interface has been considerably developed since the earliest versions. It can be used as a standalone open source modelling environment, particularly suitable for building biological models. It allows users to construct models, run simulations, modify models etc. easily. It is designed for UNIX and UNIX-like systems.

The environment has some models included when you download it, such as the lorentz model and the model braincirc1.0 referred to in Banaji et al. (2005). You can also download models for the environment (see below).

Instructions for interface installation can be found here. Help on using the GUI is available via the GUI itself. A basic tutorial on the environment and constructing models is available here.

Download the model interface as a zipped tar archive from sourceforge.

Download some models.

Update the model interface:


M. Banaji, I. Tachtsidis, D. Delpy, and S. Baigent.
A physiological model of cerebral blood flow control.
Mathematical Biosciences, 194 (2): 125-173, 2005.

Murad Banaji